Saturday, June 8, 2019

Hello again

Hello everyone!

In hopes of actually writing more often I have decided to scrap all the old posts and start again the process that makes my art me again.

So reintroducing myself again my name is Betty. I am an artist all my life but actively working since 2005. I am self taught through books and videos. I paint, sculpt, and cast clay and resin around. Now I am completely focused on getting dolls dressed, mainly sewing and knitting.

I haven't been posting or doing too much online publically because I have been working on my health issues. Unfortunately I am disabled with nerve damage as well as other things. You can't see it but the pain is and probably will always be there. I actually spent 2 years in bed before doing much else. Being an artist does help with being flexible with my medical issues and recovery path. It is a good feeling.

I hope to post more about my progression and photos soon.

Until then I am gonna get some rest. See you all soon!

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